Week 10: Aye and Gomorrah
This week we went into the multiverse to talk about stories revolving around different dimensions. These stories are unique in the sense that there is no set rules for these stories. Anything can and will happen. I really enjoy that idea. It brings a lot of different thoughts and emotions to me. When I am reading a story about the multiverse I feel like I am writing the story itself. It is an amazing thing that a writer can have that much power over an individual.
As for the reading for this week, we read Aye and Gomorrah. To summarize, the story is about sexuality. We have these beings known as Spacers who are neutered before puberty. This results in androgynous adults. They turn to prostitution from the Frelks in order to satisfy their sexual demons.
The story is short and feels really out of this world (see what I did there?). I like how the story was brief. It made it easier to feel for the characters and understand what they are. So often is the case that these long stories end up making us lose interest in the characters. I also like the idea behind the story. It feels like something that no one should have ever thought up, but that is exactly what makes it fun.
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